A TEAM - FIRST MATCH of the season at CREWE - Close run LOSS - 16th. October 2019
RESULT :- CREWE 2.5 - MEIR A 1.5
The A Team's first match of the season ended in disappointment.
Peter says his result would have been a win if his 33rd. move had been Knight to b4 instead of b6 on Board 1. Instead of losing he would have won.
Ray on board 4 was three pawns up with only a single rook and bishop each left when he managed to let his attacking King become trapped and mated. Perhaps simply exchanging pawns and pieces would have resulted in a win.
As chairman Bob would have said to him :- "Let that be a lesson to you!!"
Dave slugged it out to end with a win and Clive drew.
The result could have been so different if either loss could have been turned into a win!